yuvraj dum biryani ongole address

Yuvraj dum biryani ongole address is in Old Guntur road and if you are not there in the city for 10 years or more you can easily identify this place near Old Navbharath Theatre line. Navabharath Hall is very famous in ongole 10 years back.

This biryani is very famous in ongole and in Sundays, you can experience long queue like cinema hall queue in 90,s

They accept phone payments and you can order from swiggy and Zomata as usual. But visiting this place and taking your order is very nice.

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yuvraj dum biryani ongole biryani is very much sufficient for 1 person and the cost is 140/- yes earlier it was 120 due to pandemic and all other essential goods hike they also increased to survive in the competitive industry.

140/- rupees pack is only for takeaway. The upstairs restaurant is available with full tastes of variety biryanis like chicken, mutton prawns, etc

10 years back very few biryani houses are available in ongole. But now there are so many biryani shops especially Ismali biryani. we can call them the founders of biryani house concepts in ongole.

Other big names we listen to ongole are barkas biryani near Vijaya complex and Ismail biryani which has more than 7 to 8 branches in ongole at anjaiah road, Kurnool road 2 branches, Nellore bus-stand branch, etc.