Vijaya Sree hospital ongole phone number

Vijaya Sree hospital ongole phone number is 08592- and this hospital is Gastro and Liver care center. OP on normal days is 300 and on Sunday 500 Rupees.

Vijaya Sree hospital ongole

Doctor garu Name is : D. Venkateswarlu

M.D(Gen Medicine) D.M PGMIER, Gastroenterologist & Liver Specialist with Regd Number: 38163

Vijaya Sree hospital ongole phone number and Address

is at

60 feet road, Opposite RTC Busstand, Ongole.

Also Read :

Vijayasree Hospitals Gastro & Liver Care Centre

Established by
Dr. D. Venkateswarlu with MD General Medicine (PGI Chandigarh), DM (Gastro) is a Senior Gastroenterologist in Ongole city and has vast experience in the last 11 years in Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Doctor garu performed more than 50 thousand Gastroscopic and Colonoscopic procedures.

After having a rich experience at the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS), Gandhi Hospital, and Yashoda Hospital Hyderabad, he established Vijaya Sree Hospitals Gastro and Liver Care Centre in Ongole city in 2007 to serve the poor people of Prakasam District. Venkateswarlu is experienced in Diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy.

Vijaya Sree hospital ongole phone number

Equipped with
This is the first qualified Gastroenterology Centre in Ongole City and has an advanced endoscopic system. Our hospital is also equipped with an Intensive Care Unit to manage all types of complicated cases.

Supported by
Health Care Laboratory which is functioning 24 hours x 7 days a year and investigating all the blood, liver function, and kidney function, Hepatitis A, B, C & E infection tests, and other tests relevant to Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

Trust in
Our Public and patients, Good quality Health Care, Transparency, good effects in patient education and counseling, and very minimal patients visit our hospital. A good number of patients were diagnosed on their first visit with minimal investigation.
Your suggestions are welcome……
The mail Id of Vijayasree Hospital is please email if you need to give any suggestions about our hospital.