Venkataramana hospital ongole

Venkataramana hospital ongole phone number is 0859228263 This hospital is a multi-specialty hospital since 1989. This is one of the oldest hospitals in Ongole and quite the opposite of the Ongole bus stand

Venkataramana hospital ongole

This hospital is founded by Dr.K.V Ramanarao garu M.B.B.S.M.D

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Arogyasri and all types of insurance facilities are available here and this hospital is an APSRTC network hospital in Ongole for minor scans related to bone fractures etc, there is an in-house diagnostics center available.

Taking OP will start in the morning at 6 clocks. if you need us to register your OP please call the above number

This Hospital is on the backside of More supermarket.

All types of tests are available in Venkatramana hospital ongole. ICU facility is also available. This is a 24/7 hospital.

Night-time doctors are also available in this hospital I recently visited for my son’s leg wound at 8.30 am while I am taking him to school.

Doctors available in Venkatramana hospital ongole are as follows

Doctor NameDepartmentQualification
Seeta Ramayya garuSugar,Thyroid, Obesity SpecialistM.B.B.S.,FDIAB, C.C.,IAB(Australia)
Jeevan Chittitoti garuBones and knee surgery specialistM.S.,Ortho(NIMS)
Dr.K.Chandra Sekhar GaruLaparoscopic surgeon and gastroenterology surgeon
Dr.K Rama Devi garuPhysicianM.B.B.S
Dr.K.Siva Prasad raju garuThe dental specialist and maxilopacialM.B.B.S., D.N.B(Gen.Surgeon)
Dr.N.Kiran Kumar garuThe dental specialist and maxillofacialM.D.S
Dr.U.Madhav garuPediatrician children doctorM.B.B.S D.Ch
Dr.K.s.s.Srinath Babu garu
Dr.Madan garuPediatrician children doctorM.B.B.S D.Ch DNB
Dr.V.Subramanyeswari garu
Dr.Phani Konide Garu
Dr.Sarath Gupta S garu
Dr.A.Jyothi garu
Dr. M.Srinivasa Rao.M.S garu
Dr.Deepthi Murthy Garu
Dr.Muneer garu
Dr.N.Anjaneyulu garu

Ambulance and Emergency services are available

Blood Bank phone numbers are 9966344449,9642558899

Specialities of Venkataramana hospital ongole

  1. General Medicine
  2. General Surgery
  3. Orthopedics
  4. Neuro Surgery
  5. Diabetology
  6. Pediatrics
  7. Neurology
  8. Urology
  9. ENT
  10. Ophthalmology
  11. Dermatology
  12. Pulmonology
  13. Nephrology
  14. Maxillo Facial in ongole
  15. Radiology
  16. Pathology
  17. Physiotherapy

Facilities of Venkataramana hospital ongole

  1. CT Scan
  2. Digital X-Ray
  3. ECG
  4. EEG
  5. Laboratory
  6. I.C.U
  7. P.I.C.U
  8. N.I.C.U
  9. Blood banks available in the hospital premices
  10. Ultrasound
  11. 24-hour Pharmacy: After taking the medicines from the pharmacy please visit the nurse again so that she will write the timings of that particular table. She will write like morning, afternoon,tinaka mundu,tinna tarvata like that. Don’t hesitate to ask them they are very friendly.
  12. 2D Echo
  13. 24 Hrs Ambulance
  14. Dialysis
  15. Laparoscopy
  16. Arthroscopy
  17. Causality 24 hours is available as I said above.

Clinical Referal lab and 4D Ultrasound are also available.

A canteen is also available in the Hospital compound. You can also go outside like opposite to main bus stand there are meals hotels like Ramya Meals and other top hotels which are just 10 minutes distance.

We can also use Zomota or Swiggy if you are aware of using mobile phones (If you can read this you can use this)

The official website of this Hospital is

Address is Opposite RTC Bus stand,Kurnool road, Ongole-523002