vempa raju gari biryani phone number

vempa raju gari biryani phone number

vempa raju gari biryani phone number is 99492 11191, 97980 45678. This is one of the famous vantillu in Bhimavaram city.

They are specialists in Nonveg pickles, and they do catering for all types of functions like marriages,voni functions, birthday functions

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They don’t use food processing salts, colors or palm oil we can literally ask them for the menu that they are preparing for our functions they are user-friendly.

The address is at Bhimavaram – 534 202 everyone in bhimavaram knows this penkutillu. but for outsiders, we are also giving the proper address here in the next line.

door number: 27-2-1 opposite Padma laya theatre chinnajyothi mess.

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