Upas super speciality hospital ongole

Upas super speciality hospital ongole is a unit of Upas super specialty hospital Pvt ltd.

The address is near bacchala balaiah Kalyana Mandapam, Railways station road, Ongole,

Cell: 7382032580

This hospital is renovated at the old ram babu hospital in ongole.

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Upas super speciality hospital ongole Doctors list:

Dr.Pokuri SrinivasMD DM(Neurology) Consultant Neurologist
Dr.B.Anjaneyulu ReddyMBBS MD General medicine
Dr.Prakash ChavalaMBBS DOrtho DNB(Ortho),Mch
Dr.K.Anil KumarMBBS DTCD,Interventional Pulmonologist
Dr.G.Umapathi Chowdhury.MBBS D Ortho DNB Ortho MNAMS(Ortho) FAGE
Dr.A.Srinivasa RaoMBBS(General Physician)
Dr.S.Naga SrikanthMBBS DNB(Gen Surgery Mch(Plastic Surgery)
Dr.Kota Malakonda ReddyMBBS MS MCH(Urology)
Dr.Kakani Pavan KumarMBBS MD(Anesthesia) Consultant Anaestsialogy & Critical Care.