Uday hospital Guntur phone number is : 0863-2223245,8019844844
Uday Hospital Guntur is with three specialist Cardiologist doctors they are
- Dr.Ram Kishore Garu
- Dr.Moulali Garu
- Dr.Siva Prasad Garu
and Specialist Doctor Mareddy Ramakrishnareddy garu M.Ch(Neurosurgery) Brain Spine Surgeon
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Doctors available in Uday hospital Guntur
This hospital is a multispeciality hospital with 24-hour doctors available for the mentioned branches.
- Cardiology Doctors
- Neurology Doctors
- Nephrology Doctors
- Urology Doctors
- Cancer Doctors
- Nuro Surgery Doctors
- General medicine Doctors
- General Surgery doctors
- Pulmonology Doctors
- Orthopedic Doctors are always available as mentioned
Uday Hospitals, Near Auto Nagar, Kakani Road.
Uday Hospital in Guntur hospital has more than 200 reviews on the Google business page as well as on Justdial
This Hospital accepts all types of Health insurance policies as well as Government related policies.
Please ask the management if they are eligible for certain policies or not.