TATA Motors Genuine oil Lubricants Distributors

TATA Motors Genuine oil, Lubricants, and Coolants Distributors For Commercial Vehicles

TATA Motors Genuine oil Lubricants

Covering North & South Punjab

Area for warehouse at each location: 100m

Address for submission of applications:

N . K . Mahatma

(DGM-Channel Strategy and Network Management)

TATA Motors Ltd., 3rd Floor , Gyan Sadhan College Road,

Teen Hath Naka, Thane-400604.

Mobile No.: +91 9619468890 | Landline : +91 2267927194

Email: nirajan.mahatma@tatamotors.com

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For detailed information, contact:

Neelkamal Mishra

(RPM-Retail Net-North)

Mobile No.: +91 9538144299

Email: neelkamal.mishra@tatamotors.com

Application forms can be downloaded from the
