Swami Rama Himalayan university address

Swami Rama Himalayan is a University established under section2(f) of the UGC Act. 1956 & enacted vide Govt. of Uttarakhand Act No.12 of 2013

Swami Ram Nagar, Jollygrant,

Dehradun 248016 (Uttarakhand)

Phone : (0135) 2471102, FAX:- 2471141

Toll-free – 1800 – 1210266

Website: www.srhu.edu.in

Swami Rama Himalayan University, a well-established University of Northern India has a legacy of more than two decades in the foothills of the Himalayas.

Those who are interested to be part of our team are requested to send their Profile through email at hr@srhu.edu.in or by post to the Deputy Registrar at the above-mentioned address.

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