Sunanada hospital Narayanpet

Sunanada hospital Narayanpet cell phone number is 7032 096 469 and the second number is 7075 096 469.

This hospital is a multi-specialty and critical hospital located at pataganj narayanpet.

email address is

Also read:

Devi gardens hyderabad

Sunanada hospital Narayanpet

Treatment available in this hospital are

  • Accident cases treatment are available
  • Knee and joint replacement
  • B.P SUGAR poison and paralysis cases
  • Maternity and ladies problems
  • All general sugicals are available

Sunanada hospital Narayanpet Doctors list is

1: Deepika Shetty : MBBS DNB consultant emergency critical care, sugar, and general expert.

2: Dr. M Prasad Shetty.

This is one of the biggest hospitals in Narayan pet and surrounding areas.