shatayu kidney hospital rajahmundry

shatayu kidney hospital rajahmundry is a kidney and multi-specialty hospital with 24*7 emergency, Dialysis, and multispeciality hospital located at Danavaipet Park road.

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Phone : 0883-2555777, cellphone: 7893123219

Specialities of this Hospital are almost they take care of problems related to

  • I.C.U
  • Dialysis
  • Nephralogy
  • Urology
  • Genereal surgeon
  • Vasular surgery
  • Cardiology
  • Palmonology
  • Gynacologist
  • ordopedic
  • Pidiatrics
shatayu kidney hospital rajahmundry

List of doctors shatayu kidney hospital rajahmundry

Dr.Verukonda Ravi KiranM.D.NephrologyNephrology
Dr.Thota D.S.SwaroopGeneral SurgeryM.S. General and Laproscopic Surgeries
Dr.K.Rajeswara RaoAnesthesia
Dr.Damisetti Santhi PriyaObestretics and GynecologyM.s Obgyn
Dr.Rami Reddy and Dr.Raj Kishoreorthopedics
Dr.G.V.Praveen KumarVascular Surgery
Dr.Ulli RamanjaneyuluM.D PediatricsPediatrics
Dr. Krishna Bharadwaj ReddyM.D.PulmonologyPulmonology
Dr. NaveenUrology