Sai shashini hospital ongole phone number

Sai shashini hospital ongole phone number This Hospital is located on sundariah Bhavan road and is a super specialty hospital.


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List of Doctors In this Hospital

Dr.G.Umapathi Chowdhury GaruMBBS,D,Ortho,DNB(ORTHO),MNAMS(ORTHO), FAGE, Fellow in Joint Replacement & Arthoscopy (Medanta,New Delhi)
Dr. K. Anil Kumar GaruM.B.B.S.,DTCD,CCEBDM,Interventional Pulmonologist
Tella Kiranmay Chowdhury GaruMBBS,MS(OBG)(KMC,Manipal,Karnataka),FAGE Fellow in Obsetric Ultrasonography(Mediscans,Chennai)
Dr.M.Mani Kishore M.B.B.S., M.D.,(General Physician)

This Hospital is taking care of so many departments.