Psri hospital Delhi has Core expertise and advance equipment keeps us ahead in Cardiology & Cardiac Surgeries Ranked as one of the best cardiology hospitals in Delhi, with services from preventive care to complex surgeries and interventions, our team of cardiologists and we surgeons ensure that our patients get the best treatment

Also Read:
- Radio Frequency Ablation, Complex Arhythmmia VT with 3D Mapping
- Pediatric EP
Interventional Cardiology
- Coronary Renal carotid 7 pERIPHERAL ANGIOGRAPHY
- Complex angioplasties Like Left Main, CTO, Calcified Lesions
- Non Surgical closure of ASD, VSD.PDA.RSOV
Cardio-Thoratic Vascular Surgery
- Adult Cardiac Surgery.CABG. Valve Surgery.Bentall Procedure. Aneurysm Repair
- Pediatric Cardiac Surgery LVAD Thoracic Surgery
- Pacemaker Implantation
- Leadless
- HIS Bundle Pacing
- ICD(Implantable cardioverter)
- CRT-P.CRT-D(Heart Failure Devices)
- Pacemaker & ICD old lead extraction laser
Psri hospital address
Psri Hospital, Press Enclave Marg, Sheikh Sarai Phase 2,Near Saket court, New Delhi-17
Phone: 91-011-61426142