Pest control in Vijayawada phone number is 9676490191 and Vijayawada’s best pest control here is Venkateswara Pest control
Specialties of them are Boddinkallu, Chedallu cure. they also check if there are any leaks in your slabs and Bathrooms
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The top services they are providing are
- slab leakage
- Bathroom leakage
- chedallu removing
- boddinkallu removing
They also clear water tanks in apartments and in your house so please contact them immediately.
we can clean small water tanks with fewer liters like 1000 and 2000, but it will be time-consuming and sometimes it’s difficult for us to go into the water tank and clean it especially while cleaning big apartment water tanks sumps etc.
That’s why it’s a good idea to hire the water tank cleaning service
Proprietor Garu’s name is Tulasi with the pet’s name is Sunny.
They are providing this service for a reasonable price. prices will change based on the size of the work so contact the pest control in Vijayawada phone number of Tulasi Garu.