B.P.Poddar institute of management & technology Kolkata

B.P.Poddar institute of management & technology Kolkata Approved by Aicte & Affiliated to MAKUT their E-mail: info@bppimt.ac.in Phone: 91-33-4061 9174/75/76. Main Campus: Poddar Vihar.137,V.I.P. Road, Kolkata – 700 052 Also Read : Indian Silk House Exclusives B.P Poddar institute of management and technology Kolkata West Bengal City Office/Admission office : 87, Park Street, Kolkata – […]

Institute of Bioresources & Sustainable Development (IBSD)

Institute of Bioresources & Sustainable Development (IBSD) is located in Imphal Please visit http://ibsd.gov.in/ for details on a number of positions, educational qualifications, the process for submission of application forms, etc. Department of Biotechnology, Government of IndiaTakyelpat,Imphal – 795001,Manipur (India)Website: www.ibsd.gov.in Also Read: Cosmos castle international school sikkim manipal institute of medical sciences

St.John Education Campus

St.John Education Campus Email address is: aet.office@sjcem.edu.in and mobile number are Mobile: 7387203232 and also check Ph: 02525-297275. Vevoor, Manor Road, Palghar-401 404Website: www.aldel.in Also Read: Stanley showroom in Mumbai st john technical and educational ALDEL Education Trust

ODISHA Space Application Centre (ORSAC)

ODISHA Space Application Centre Detailed Empanelment Notices may be downloaded from the above websites. ORSAC reserves the right to accept/reject/modify and cancel the Notices at any time without assigning any reason there. Dept of Science & Technology, Govt of OdishaPlot No.45/48,JayadevVihar, Near Gopabandhu Academy of AdministrationUnit-16, Bhubaneswar-751023 Vendors/Agencies are requested to specify clearly on the […]

National Health Mission Uttarpradesh

National Health Mission, Uttarpradesh Phone number is: 0522-2237496,2237522 and Email address is mdupnrhm@gmail.com procure.nhmup@gmail.com. National rural health mission Uttar Pradesh SPMU Office, Vishal Complex, 19-A, Vidhan Sabha Marg,Lucknow (Utter Pradesh) India-226001 www.upgov.nic.in Also Read: Kunwars global school lucknow classic restaurant lucknow

S N Bose National Centre For Basic Sciences

SN National Center for Basic Sciences An autonomous institute Under the department of Science and Technology Government of India. Block-JD, Sector-111, Salt Lake City,Kolkata- 700106www.bose.res.in Also Read: Creative museum designers Kolkata The george telegraph training institute For Tenders Interested agencies are requested to visit http://eprocure.gov.in/ eprocure/app or click at SNBNCBS@CPPP within www.bose.res.in to participate in […]

Bokaro power supply company (p) limited

Bokaro Power supply company (P) Limited is a Joint Venture of Sail & Damodar Valley Corporation. Bokaro power supply company Address is as below Office Add: Hall No. M-01,oLD aM.Building,Bokaro Steel city – 827001,Jharkhand The Company, a JV of SAIL & DVC, registered under Company’s Act 1956, generates steam and power with a present capacity […]

Mecon Limited Ranchi

Mecon Limited Ranchi is a PSU under the Ministry of Steel, Govt. of India. For detailed job advertisements. kindly visit the “Careers” section of our official website www.meconlimited.co.in. H.O: Doranda, Ranchi-834002 Phone: 0651-2483000 Also Read: Birla institute of technology ranchi address taurian world school ranchi

Indian Institute of Crafts & Design (iicd) Jaipur

Indian Institute of crafts and design courses are offering bachelor of Vocational courses Affiliated to Rajasthan ILD Skills University (RISU). Programs offered in Indian Institute of crafts and design B.VOC (1+3 Years) Fashion Design Fired Material design Hard Material Design Soft Material Design INTG M.VOC (5 Years) & M.VOC (3 & 2 Years) Fired Material […]