Sanjeevani Hospital Gudivada Phone number

Sanjeevani hospital gudivada is a children’s hospital. It is the best children’s hospital in Gudivada Krishna district please call the below numbers for consultation. Dr.D.Suraj>>M.D.Paediatrics (best children specialist in this town) Dr.K.Sravani>> M.D.General Medicine Also Read : Smile Dental Care Gudivada passport office gudivada address Phone: 8328422519, 9392519724 Sanjeevani hospital gudivada Address 10/401, Kamma Mahajana Sangam […]

IIrm Hyderabad Telangana

IIrm Hyderabad Telangana is a joint Initiative of IRDAI and Govt of Telangana IIRM Advantage !! Secured Campus & Assured Career Interviews on Skype / WhatsApp Video Call PGDM 2 yeARS Also read : Virinchi Hospitals Hyderabad Vasavi College of Engineering hyderabad 81063 60044, 96527 40909, 95734 06066

Gujarat national law university Gandhinagar

Gujarat national law university is Phone: 079-23276611/12 For more information kindly visit https;// Address: Koba, Gandhinagar – 382 426 Gujarat – India Email: ALSO READ : Employees state insurance corporation Ahmedabad Gujarat Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited Kendriya Vidyalaya afs wadsar Gandhinagar Gujarat Website:

C V Raman college of engineering Bhubaneswar

C V Raman college of engineering Declared Autonomous Engineering College by UGC and Accredited by NBA for Chemical, Civil, IT, AEI. Bidyanagar, Mahura, Janla Bhubaneswar – 752054 Also Read: Kalinga institute of industrial technology direct to home milk delivery CVRCE, a leading Autonomous Engineering College in Odisha For Jobs, Candidates are advised to refer to […]

Telangana State Rajaka Development Board

Telangana State Rajaka Development Board having Regd Number: 887/2014 G.H.M.C Vengalrao Nagara Devision, Dobhighat, Jawahar Nagar Yusufguda, Hyderabad, 500045 Telangana N Raju , Chairaman : 9966696877 J. Anjaneyulu: President : 7396668395,9493215119 J.Mahesh : General Secretary : 9550906763 Also Read: I&cad Telangana Mayfair apartments Hyderabad MSME-TOOL ROOM, Hyderabad

Indsearch college Pune

(Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University with autonomous status) 85/1, Law College Road, Erandwane, Pune 411004 Phone: 020-22917000, 25431972,9960268732 ALSO READ : Indsearch college Pune Interior design firms in Pune rollie couture Pune Indsearch pune course Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS) Practice Oriented Specialisations in Finance HR Marketing International Business and Computer Applications (3 […]

Vasantdada sugar institute Pune courses

Vasantdada sugar institute provides an excellent opportunity to the Science and Engineering Graduates and Diploma holders to develop their career in Sugar and allied industries through the following Postgraduate Degree, Diploma and Certificate Courses. Vasantdada sugar institute manjari Manjari(BK) Tal: Haveli Dist: Pune 412307 Maharashtra India Phone: 020-26902100, 26902171/72 Fax: 26902244 Email: Also Read Alard […]