OP Service in Ongole phone number

OP Service in Ongole’s phone number is 9676031998. This service is available in hospitals in ongole. Other services are we can take care of your parents hospital visits without your presence.

Some hospitals don’t take ops before the patient arrives at the hospital.

www.smartoriginsllc.com 1

The below hospitals are only for example purpose only. please ask first.

This service is available for hospitals like these

Hospital NameOP Service availableCost of OP+service charge
Venkatramana HospitallsBook your OP
Aravind skin hospitalBook your OP350/-
Dana muthy hospitalBook your OP
Gummadi hospitalBook your OP
sevita nursing homeBook your OP
Adarsha hospital(Malyadri Naidu garu)Book your OP
Nalluri nursing homeBook your OP
Durga Nursing homeBook your OP
Vijayasri hospitalBook your OP
Ankura hospitalBook your OP
Dorai swamy HospitalBook your OP