modern eye hospital ongole contact number is (there are few more numbers) 08592-220522 220622 and cellphone number is: 94942 92931

Email us : [email protected] and hospital dedicated website is

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This hospital is now 10 years old please congratulate the staff and admin department if you visit this place.

modern eye hospital ongole doctors list

Dr. M. Venkata ramana reddyM.B.B.S.,D.O.,DNB FACS(Sankara Nethralaya – Chennai)
Dr.D.Arpana shferM.B.B.S.M.S(Ophthali) Specialist in Glaucoma FIGO(Bangalore west Icons Eye Hospital)

O.P Timings are from monday to saturday are : Morning 9 to 2.30 and evening 5.00 to 7.30.

Every month first sunday OP is available from 9.00 AM -2.00 PM

Facillities of this hospital are :

  • for Retinal disease laser treatment
  • Retina Injection (Avastin)
  • Lasic Laser treatment
  • Carnia department is available
  • treatment for neeti kasulu
  • Suklam treatment without anesticia(mattu)(MICS)
modern eye hospital ongole