Mithai potlam store in rajahmundry

Mithai potlam store in Rajahmundry opened in recently. They are opening stores all over Andhra Pradesh recently and getting good reviews about this store. Please visit and bless or encourage them

Rajahmundry location is Near Gandhipuram syamala Nagar at Old Somalamma Temple road.

Mithai potlam store in Rajahmundry Phone numbers: 8341825709, 9440506332

Also read:

Mithai potlam store in rajahmundry

The name of this shop is very unique and going to be a famous brand in the future with so many stores across India.

As usual, staff is very friendly and they ask us to taste the sweets before we buy we can really appreciate this type of initiative founders of this sweet shop is Balaji sweets from Vijayawada.

There are branches in Vijayawada, bhimavaram, and ongole

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