Malyadri Naidu hospital with Adarsh Hospital is located on Sundariah Bhavan road. The cost of the Op is 400 Rs and on Sunday the cost is 450 only the new ops will be seen on Sundays This hospital is very busy in working hours of 9 to 2 pm and after 3 to 6 pm.

Doctor garu name : Dr.K. Malyadri Naidu M.S.,(Ortho) D ORTHO; D.N.B;(ORTHO); FAGE;
Yemukallu ,Kellu Mariyu Naralla Specialist
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Adarsh Hospital
Yemukallu ,Kellu Mariyu Naralla Hospital
Dr. K.C. Malyadri Naidu
Sundaraiah Bhavan Road,
Ongole – 523002
Malyadri Naidu hospital Ongole phone number
Phone : 08592-233652
Doctor garu house is above the hospital and he is available 24 hours if there is an emergency. Medical shop is available in the parking place.
Medicines are very low cost in this hospital
For Health Insurance Policy Please contact: 9676031998