krishnaveni junior college vinukonda contact number

krishnaveni junior college vinukonda contact number is 7207067800, 9949536206 and 9966140074

Training will be provided by state best faculty in Eamcet and Neet Programs.

Town – 1 is R.Yashwanth M.P.C Eapcet – 8710

Town-2 is S.Bhavani Eapcet – 23704

krishnaveni junior college vinukonda

They will provide practice tests offline and online via a special application

krishnaveni junior college Groups

available here are

  • M.P.C
  • BI.P.C (EM & TM)
  • C.E.C (T.M)

They are getting town first for the past 16 years

with a special app, Practice exams are available offline and online. this system was introduced at the time of Corona.