keerthi medical stores darsi phone number is 98854 38920 (L.Tirupati reddy garu) and another number is 94900 07676 (L.Venkateswar reddy garu)
Products available are all types of super specialty medicines, Baby food products, Diapers, and Surgical items. 20 % Discount will be provided in all branches.

This store is located on kurchichedu road, Darsi this store is started on September 1st, 2022 by Mukku Kavitha garu MD., DM Gastro Enterology Janani gastroenterology hospital Guntur.
Keerthi Medical Store has so many branches across the Prakasam district and Andhra Pradesh.
- Mastan darga center trunk road,ongole
- Bhagyanagar Opposite RIMS Ongole
- Mangamoor road, Beside kandukri shopping mall, ongole
- Mangamoor Donka opposite Gandhi Nagar, Ongole
- Tilak road, Tirupati
- Kanigiri road,Kandukuru
- St xaviers school, kurnool road ongole
- MSR Road, Kanigiri
- Chitoor
- Anantapur
- Kurnool road, Opposite busstand Ongole.
Prakasam district Quality medical stores
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