Institute of genetic engineering in Kolkata phone number is Phone: 98310 19948 / 98310 13997 / 98310 95960
Also Read:
Institute of genetic engineering courses are
- 3 Years B.Sc (H) Courses specialisations are Biotechnology / Microbiology / Genetics and Molecular Biology
- Medical Laboratory Technology BBA /BCA
- 2 Years M.Sc Courses are Genetics/Biotechnology/Microbiology
30, Thakurhat Road, Badu, Madhyamgram, Kolkata – 700128

- Duly Qualified Subjectwise full time faculties
- Well equipped Laboratory & Library
- Hostel facilities for Boys / Girls (Separate) available
- Wi-fi Campus /Smart class rooms
- Placement Training & Assistance
- Ragging is not allowed here
For Admission Enquiry Visit Our Institute or Contact
Phone : 98310 19948 / 98310 13997 / 98310 95960