Gummadi chest hospital Ongole Andhra Pradesh

Gummadi chest hospital is located in sundariah Bhavan road beside Malyadri Naidu Hospital and walkable distance to the Ongole bus stop.

This hospital is available 24 hours so please call the below number if you have any emergency related to the chest, Even though the main doctor is not available compounders will do the first aid. 1

If you have any chest pains please don’t neglect, do visit the doctor and take medicines and be fit. Daily do workouts for 30 minutes to stay fit.

Dr Gummadi Ram Mohan Rao M.B.B.S DGO

Nemmu, Atsma, Elergy, TB and Vupiri tittula Vidya nipunullu.

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Gummadi chest hospital phone number

Gummadi chest hospital

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