GEMME exclusive Gem Shoppe is an Amazing array of Gem Stones for every suitable mood and occasion, pearls, and it Promotes Self Love, Heals your Heart, Protects Relationships, Balance Heart Chakra.

GEMME exclusive Gem Shoppe Gems advantage
Wearing Gems is a way to express the women you are,without saying a word
- Great protector, used for centuries by all civilizations
- Connect us to infinite possibilities
- Strengthen the immune system
- Help communication
- Boost self confidence
- Aids in relaxation
Rose Quartz – The Love stone
Raises your self Confidence, Help you to release anger and Resentment
Corals, Precious
Semi Precious Stones and Beads
Gemme gems kochi,
Metro Pillar No: 765,
Opp. Choice Tower,
S.A Road, Manorama Junction, Kochi-36
Ph: 0484 4010250, 98957 55522, 98953 77766
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