CSR Sarma College Ongole Andhra Pradesh

CSR sarma college Ongole is Affiliated with Acharya Nagarjuna University. This college is started in 1952 on August 1. After my research, I found that the name CSR in college name came from the person who donated one lakh rupees to help poor people is Chivakula Srirama Sarma. In Ongole, there are so many old colleges and temples.

CSR sarma college Ongole

Today is 18-06-2021 2021-1952 is 69 that means from the last sisty nine years this college is serving Ongole people as well as prakasam People. The total area of this college is 18 Acres with big classrooms and the thing which makes this college Unique is the college ground taking care of BCCI (Board of Cricket council of india)

Ground is best recently ranji matches also happened here in this small town Ongole which is Famous for Ongole bulls.

C.S.R. Sarma College-Ongole Institute of PG Studies

  • M.Sc Organic Chemistry
  • M.Sc Physics.
  • M.SC Mthamatics

csr sarma college ongole phone number

Phone: 08592 – 280346, 233584 , 280154

Also Read:

Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Open University Ongole

Regional Co-Ordination Study Centre

Code: 013

C.S.R.Sarma College, Ongole

Office Cell : 73829 29613

Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Open University Ongole