Country Delight Milk Got Fresh Mik? Flat 40% off on your first 5 days Trial order Takes and only takes 24-36 hours from milking due to their well-established system without milk powder. They care about our family and children and Delivered directly to your doorstep at the particular time which we are scheduled without any delay.
The Unique feature that delight is providing your own milk adulteration test Kit for Free and testing our milk at our doorstep.
Outside the company details Please daily have a glass of milk and to increase immunity please add a teaspoon turmeric in your milk while drinking at evening time. A per capita consumption of milk in india as per 2011 are 39.5.
Country delight 9205583038
Disavadvantages of having other milks campared to Country Delight Milk
- Possible milk powder mixing
- Possible Preservatives/Adulterants (Many Middleman)
- 10-14 days from milking
- You have to go to the market to purchase milk.
Country delight products are
- Cow milk
- Buffalo Milk
- No Adulterants (No Middleman)
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