Category: Kanpur

Dakshinam sarees Kanpur Lucknow

Dakshinam sarees will Usher in the festive season with a rich & exquisite collection You can buy Dakshinam Sarees online. we can trust their website. Sarees are ranging from 15000 to 25000. Stores are located in Chennai, Jaipur Kanpur, and Lucknow. Sarees are made with hands by professional Maggam workers from around 28 communities. They […]

Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation Of India Kanpur

Artificial limbs manufacturing corporation of India (alimco) Kanpur is a Government of India Undertaking Miniratna Company Under Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment (An ISO 9001: 2015 Company) G.T.Road, Naramau, Kanpur -209217 Also Read: Mahi Diagnostic in Kanpur Bariatric Surgery in Kanpur Email: Tee Fax: 0512 – 2770137, Ph. 2770174 Toll-Free No. 18001805129