Category: Tanuku

roots school tanuku phone number

roots school tanuku phone number is 9440864017 and the landline number is 08819-225955 roots school is the first IIT foundation school in Tanuku In this competitive world IIT foundation is essential for all kids. Classes are available from Pre-Kg to 10th class. Address is at kappalavenkanna center – Tanuku, Satti raju vari street. Also read: […]

Sairam machine tools agency in tanuku

Sairam machine tools agency in tanuku phone number is 98492 89586 and 08819 243243. Also read: realme store in tanuku Proprietor garu’s name is: V.Ramakrishna reddy garu (His phone numbers are in the first line of this article) sale and service are available He is a dealer for The address is opposite to townhall Children […]