Category: Andhra Pradesh

Padmalayas Bakary in Lawyerpet ongole

Padmalayas Bakary is one of the top Bakery and reputed bakery in ongole. As per my knowledge, it was first started near the Bapuji Market complex in 1999. It was later removed due to road widening and shifted to the current place at the old vegetable market. This bakery has started a new branch at […]

DGR Multispeciality Hospital Giddalur

DGR Multispeciality hospital is the first hospital to have a high-speed CT Scan with a high-speed CT SCAN in Giddaluru and with good hospital rooms. Giddaluru is in Prakasam District. Doctors: Star Health Insurance is available please contact: 9676031998 Also Read : Address: DGR Multispeciality Hospital Kasireddykunta, Naravareddy Giddaluru DGR Hospital Phone numbers Ph: 08405-242233, […]