B.P.Poddar institute of management & technology Kolkata Approved by Aicte & Affiliated to MAKUT their E-mail: info@bppimt.ac.in Phone: 91-33-4061 9174/75/76.
Main Campus: Poddar Vihar.137,V.I.P. Road, Kolkata – 700 052
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B.P Poddar institute of management and technology Kolkata West Bengal
City Office/Admission office :
87, Park Street, Kolkata – 700 016
Phone: 91-33-2265 7150/52 Mobile: 91-98364 36999
B P Poddar institute of management and technology salt lake campus
EN31,Salt lake City, Sector – V, Kolkata – 700 091
Ph: 91-33-2357 2509/46031484
Mobile: +91-80176 52567
Email: info@bppimt.com