Punjab State Power Corporation Limited Regd Office: PSEB Head Office,The Mall Patiala-147001 CIN: U40109PB2010SGC033813 Also Read: Office of the chief engineering /Metering C-3, shakti Vihar, PSPCL, Patiala Punjab- 147001 Tel no. 0175-2218871. Fax : 0175-2200284 Email: se-hq-metering@pspcl.in Registration number: 33813 E- tendering portal: https://pspcl.abcprocure.com/
Author: Adm
Maharashtra Airports Development Company LTD.
Maharashtra Airports Development Company LTD Address and CIN number for contractors is: U45203MH2002SGC136979 and Email: vcmd@madcindia.org 8th Floor, World Trade Centre – 1, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai-400005 Tel No: 022- 49212121 Fax No: 022-22163814 Also Read:
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