AKG CPVC Pipes and Fittings

AKG CPVC Pipes and Fittings are Leak Proof Design for peaceful Mind Ideal for hot and cold water applications Suitable for water temperature up to 93-degree celsius.

AKG CPVC Pipes and Fittings CPVC Plumbing machine

  • Wide range of pipes and fittings from 15mm to 150mm
  • Lead-free UV stabilized and safe for potable water
  • No bacterial growth, scaling and corrosion free
  • Designed for over 50 years of life
  • Uniquely designed brass fittings ensure high toque resistance

Complete Range of Plumbing, Drainage, Borewell & Agriculture Pipes & Fittings

SWR & PVC Pressure Piping System


Column & Casing pipes for borewell & tubewell

AKG Extrusions PVT LTD.

Tel: 0120-4619300 Mobile: +91-8448793165

Email: plumbing@akggroupindia.com

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